Results for 'Freddy León Nina'

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  1. Women in rural territorial planning in the Andes of Ayacucho (Perú).Ángel Aronés Cisneros, Chabeli Roxana Tapia Oré, Rocío Aronés Cisneros, Cynthya Alegre Palomino & Freddy León Nina - 2025 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 32.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a participação das mulheres no planejamento territorial rural nos Andes de Ayacucho (Peru). O estudo foi qualitativo e foram entrevistadas 11 mulheres (agricultoras) e 6 homens (com cargos administrativos). As mulheres desempenham um papel activo e significativo no planeamento territorial rural, superando desafios e promovendo a ajuda mútua através da organização comunitária. Existem barreiras ligadas aos papéis tradicionais de género que limitam a sua plena participação no planeamento territorial rural. No entanto, a presença de (...)
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    The Network Theory of Psychiatric Disorders: A Critical Assessment of the Inclusion of Environmental Factors.Nina S. de Boer, Leon C. de Bruin, Jeroen J. G. Geurts & Gerrit Glas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Borsboom and colleagues have recently proposed a “network theory” of psychiatric disorders that conceptualizes psychiatric disorders as relatively stable networks of causally interacting symptoms. They have also claimed that the network theory should include non-symptom variables such as environmental factors. How are environmental factors incorporated in the network theory, and what kind of explanations of psychiatric disorders can such an “extended” network theory provide? The aim of this article is to critically examine what explanatory strategies the network theory that includes (...)
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  3. Using Network Models in Person-Centered Care in Psychiatry: How Perspectivism Could Help To Draw Boundaries.Nina de Boer, Daniel Kostić, Marcos Ross, Leon de Bruin & Gerrit Glas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychiatry, Section Psychopathology 13 (925187).
    In this paper, we explore the conceptual problems arising when using network analysis in person- centered care (PCC) in psychiatry. Personalized network models are potentially helpful tools for PCC, but we argue that using them in psychiatric practice raises boundary problems, i.e., problems in demarcating what should and should not be included in the model, which may limit their ability to provide clinically-relevant knowledge. Models can have explanatory and representational boundaries, among others. We argue that we can make more explicit (...)
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    Jezelf zijn met de ander: Waar ligt precies de grens?Léon de Bruin & Nina S. de Boer - 2025 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 117 (1):32-36.
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    Medicalización como problema de salud internacional. La prensa escrita online sobre TDAH en Argentina (2001-2017).Eugenia Bianchi, Silvia Adriana Faraone, Milagros Luján Oberti & Costanza Leone - 2020 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 24:17-51.
    En el contexto de cambios del proceso de globalización, la medicalización constituye una problemática central en la agenda de salud internacional. Durante la década de 1990, comenzó la expansión internacional del diagnóstico de trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH), entre otros factores, merced a la creciente relevancia de actores no médicos en el proceso y de legislaciones específicas para diferentes diagnósticos. El artículo busca contribuir a un análisis del espacio que le otorga la prensa escrita on line a (...)
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  6. Relaciones familiares y su incidencia en el desarrollo de valores morales en niños ecuatorianos.Xiomara Carrera-Herrera, Miury Placencia Tapia & Paulo Vélez-León - 2019 - Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo 24:65-75.
    Las relaciones familiares tienen una cualidad única que no se producen en otros entornos y cada familia vive diferentes prácticas que la hacen ser irrepetible; esto permite un aprender–aprender como padres e hijos, además estás relaciones tienen correspondencia con el desarrollo de los valores que se manifiesta en familia y que finalmente son transmitidos en la sociedad. La investigación se realizó a nivel nacional a 1200 niños y niñas en edades comprendidas entre 8 a 11 años, pudiendo observar con más (...)
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    Violencias interseccionales contra las mujeres y niñas, encuentro conalgunas activistas resilientes del observatorio ciudadano del feminicidiodurante la pandemia.Hilda Beatriz Salmerón García - 2024 - Voces de la Educación 9 (18):33-60.
    A fin de conocer la resiliencia y la interseccionalidad durante la pandemia, un equipo interdisciplinario desde la psicología social y enfoque de género, trabajó con activistas no gubernamentales de seis estados del país: Estado de México, Ciudad de México, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Puebla, y Xalapa Veracruz. Todas pertenecen al Observatorio Ciudadano Nacional del feminicidio (OCNF). Se aplicaron entrevistas estructuradas a fin de conocer el impacto que tuvo en las diversas asociaciones del país el SARS COV2, y el narcotráfico, de (...)
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    ENTREVISTA: El quehacer de la filosofía analítica Diálogo entre el Alejandro Tomasini Bassols, Freddy Santamaría Velasco y los alumnos del curso “De la analítica a los actos de habla” del Doctorado en Filosofía-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.Freddy Santamaría Velasco - 2017 - Praxis Filosófica 44:251-274.
    El martes 26 de abril de 2016 en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín, en el curso “De la analítica a los acto de habla” del Doctorado en Filosofía, tuvimos la oportunidad de compartir y hacer una conversatorio con el filósofo mexicano Dr. Alejandro Tomasini Bassols, investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas y profesor de filosofía en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM. El profesor Tomasini es uno de los investigadores más reconocidos en la obra del Filósofo (...)
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    Vlaamse Europarlementsleden beoordelen hun Europees Parlement : Freddy Willockx.Freddy Willockx - 1998 - Res Publica 40 (2):293-301.
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  10. End-of-life decisions of physicians in the city of hasselt (flanders, belgium).Freddy Mortier, Luc Deliens, Johan Bilsen, Marc Cosyns, Koen Ingels & Robert Vander Stichele - 2000 - Bioethics 14 (3):254–267.
    Objectives: The objective of this study is to estimate the proportion of different types of end‐of‐life decisions (ELDs) of physicians in the city of Hasselt (Flanders, Belgium). The question is addressed to what degree these ELD meet legal constraints and the ethical requirements for prudent practice. Methodology: All physicians of the city of Hasselt who signed at least one death certificate in 1996 (N=166) received an anonymous self‐administered mail questionnaire per death case (max. 5/doctor) Results: the response rate was 55% (...)
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    El carácter integrador del pensamiento de Morin en la formación universitaria.Freddy Varona Domínguez - 2020 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 29:93-125.
    Este estudio teórico se despliega en dos ámbitos. Uno de ellos es el de las ideas de una figura cimera delpensamiento complejo, Edgar Morin, de quien se revela algunas de sus consideraciones en torno a la integración, las cuales están mayormente implícitas en sus meditaciones. El otro ámbito es la formación universitaria, a propósito de la cual se reflexiona acerca del pensamiento complejo y de la eliminación de características que atentan contra el carácter integrador de la misma. Los objetivos de (...)
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    Il cinema E la filosofia: Breve passeggiata Alla ricerca di Nietzsche.Antonio Freddi - 2015 - Educação E Filosofia 29 (57):435-454.
  13. Automedicalisering, ethiek en ideologie.Freddy Mortier - 1988 - de Uil Van Minerva 4.
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    Autonomía en la obra de Arte en Martin Heidegger.Freddy Sosa - 2000 - A Parte Rei 9:6.
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    Algorithms, genetics, and populations: The schemata theorem revisited.Freddy Bugge Christiansen & Marcus W. Feldman - 1998 - Complexity 3 (3):57-64.
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    Întîlniri la Ierusalim/ Meetings in Jerusalem.Codruta Cuceu - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (4):209-213.
    Întîlniri la Ierusalim organizate si consemnate de Costel Safirman si Leon Volovici, Editura Fundatiei Culturale Romane, Bucuresti, 2001, 415 p.
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    La notion de "valeur esthétique" dans l'esthétique structurale de Jan Mukarovsky. Application au poème 56 de Catulle.Freddy Decreus - 1986 - Philosophica 38 (2):77-106.
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    Kuhn's paradigmatic view of psychology and skinner's theory of behavior.Freddy A. Paniagua - 1991 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 11 (2):122-125.
    Henley argued that for Kuhn psychology is a nonparadigmatic science and that Skinner rejects the formulation of theories in psychology The present article shows that in a Kuhnian use of the concept of “paradigm” psychology is a paradigmatic science. This paper also demonstrates that Skinner himself formulated a theory of behavior as an alternative to traditional theoretical approaches in psychology. 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
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    "The Death of the Apple, or Contradictions between Visual and Verbal Elements in the Same Aesthetic Frame.Freddie Rokem - 1985 - Semiotics:139-148.
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  20. Noticias de Europa.Freddy Téllez - 2009 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 15:119-123.
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    Selbstorganisation und Naturphilosophie (Naturteleologie): Reflexionen zum Begriff "Selbst" in modernen Selbstorganisationstheorien.Freddy Zülicke - 2000 - Cuxhaven: Traude Junghans.
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    Building mindfulness bottom-up: Meditation in natural settings supports open monitoring and attention restoration.Freddie Lymeus, Per Lindberg & Terry Hartig - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 59:40-56.
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    Mindfulness-Based Restoration Skills Training (ReST) in a Natural Setting Compared to Conventional Mindfulness Training: Psychological Functioning After a Five-Week Course.Freddie Lymeus, Marie Ahrling, Josef Apelman, Cecilia de Mander Florin, Cecilia Nilsson, Janina Vincenti, Agnes Zetterberg, Per Lindberg & Terry Hartig - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  24. Nietzsche's perspectivism in Richard Rorty's american postmodernism: So close, so far.Antonio Freddi - 2013 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 68 (3):491-525.
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    Bible translation into lesser-known languages.Freddy Boswell - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 1--756.
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    Self-Efficacy in Action: Tales From the Classroom for Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development.Freddie A. Bowles & Cathy J. Pearman (eds.) - 2017 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Self-Efficacy in Action provides a practitioner-friendly overview of the concepts, vocabulary, practices, and contexts related to teacher self-efficacy. This book engages readers in the meaningful discussions of practices and purposes of teacher self-efficacy to advance professionalism.
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  27. Book notices-der rucktritt Richard willstatters 1924/25 und seine hintergrunde. Ein munchner skandal?Freddy Linten - 2001 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23 (2):326.
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    Die “Verdienste” eines Rektors im Dritten Reich: Ansichten über den Geologen Leopold Kölbl in München.Freddy Litten - 2003 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 11 (1):34-46.
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    Een kwestie van behoren: stromingen in de hedendaagse ethiek.Freddy Mortier - 1992 - Gent: Mys & Breesch. Edited by Koen Raes.
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  30. Exile, nostalgia, and the Unheimlich : the Gesher Theater.Freddie Rokem - 2007 - In Vera Apfelthaler & Julia Köhne, Gendered memories: transgressions in German and Israeli film and theatre. Wien: Turia + Kant.
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    The Attitude Theory and the Disagreement of Controversy within Philosophy and between Philosophy and Science.Freddy Verbruggen - 1965 - Philosophica 3.
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    Philosophers and Thespians: Thinking Performance.Freddie Rokem - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    The interaction between philosophy and theater or performance has recently become an important and innovative area of inquiry. _Philosophers and Thespians_ contributes to this emerging field by looking at four direct encounters between philosophers and thespians, beginning with Socrates, Agathon, and Aristophanes in Plato's _Symposium_ and ending with a discussion between Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht about a short text by Franz Kafka. Rokem also examines in detail Hamlet's complex and tragic split identity as both philosopher and thespian, as well (...)
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    Human enhancement making use of technological incorporations in their biology - Ethical perspective.Freddy Alexander Diaz, Katherin Salazar & Oscar Herrera - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 32 (57).
    Is it ethical or not to enhance the characteristics and capacities of human beings, making use of technological incorporations in their biology? This article presents arguments from both position pros and cons, about technological incorporations in human bodies. The denaturalization of technologically enhanced humans is discussed; A discussion is raised about the impact of these technologies on the population inequality; We present a contrast between whether the research is for treatment or enhancement purposes. Some of the repercussions on a society (...)
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    November 2, 1992.Freddy Paine - 1993 - CLR James Journal 4 (1):79-80.
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  35. Acerca de la Naturaleza de la Obra de Arte.Freddy Sosa - 2004 - A Parte Rei 33:14.
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  36. Autonomía en la Estética de Aristóteles.Freddy Sosa - 2002 - A Parte Rei 22:13.
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  37. La situation réligieuse en Crète au début du XVe siècle.Freddy Thiriet - 1966 - Byzantion 36:201-212.
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    Emotions and language about motion: Differentiating affective dominance with syntax from valence with semantics.Sébastien Freddi, José Esteban & Vincent Dru - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 38:22-37.
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    Individual Differences in Cognitive Functioning Predict Compliance With Restoration Skills Training but Not With a Brief Conventional Mindfulness Course.Freddie Lymeus - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Mindfulness training is often promoted as a method to train cognitive functions and has shown such effects in previous studies. However, many conventional mindfulness exercises for beginners require cognitive effort, which may be prohibitive for some, particularly for people who have more pronounced cognitive problems to begin with. An alternative mindfulness-based approach, called restoration skills training, draws on a restorative natural practice setting to help regulate attention effortlessly and promote meditative states during exercises. Previous research has shown that a 5-week (...)
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  40. «Malgré tout»,«trotzdem»,«la'hén»: Esquisse d'une sociologie de l'espérance juive.Freddy Raphaël - 2012 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 92 (1):97-115.
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  41. Platón, el arte y la locura.Freddy Sosa - 2000 - A Parte Rei 12:2.
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    El valor de la filosofía.Freddy Santamaría Velasco - 2014 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 35 (110):4.
    Discurso de posesión como Decano de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
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    Pensar la conciencia: mente, intencionalidad y lenguaje.Freddy Santamaría Velasco & Juan Sebastián Sánchez Ávila - 2017 - Escritos 25 (55):437-463.
    The article deals with the theories of the American philosopher John Searle concerning his embracement of a form of emergentism of the mind and his ideas about consciousness, intentionality with ‘C’, and language as a critique of traditional standpoints closer to positivist theses. Bearing this in mind, the general purpose is to reveal how the philosophy of Searle aims to recover the active role of the agent and, in consequence, the semantic and pragmatic dimensions of language are vindicated, dimensions in (...)
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  44. Wittgenstein frente a la búsqueda russelliana de un lenguaje lógicamente perfecto.Freddy Orlando Santamaría Velasco - 2009 - Escritos 17 (39):337-357.
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    Constructing the Field in Interwar Social Anthropology: Power, Personae, and Paper Technology.Freddy Foks - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):717-739.
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    Filosofía para Niños: una investigación educativa con relación a la identidad cultural.Freddy Fabian Sánchez Suconota & Christian Alfredo Cárdenas Pugo - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 3:213-232.
    Este artículo demuestra los resultados de la aplicación de La Filosofía para Niños (FpN) como propuesta didáctica para el fortalecimiento de actitudes críticas y reflexivas sobre el tema de la identidad cultural de manera dialógica en un contexto escolar de Educación General Básica Superior en Cuenca (Ecuador). Para el análisis se utilizó la metodología hermenéutica, a través de la interpretación de las transcripciones de las tres sesiones aplicadas con base a historias creadas con preguntas que generaban discusiones y a través (...)
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    Introduction: Philosophy and Moral Psychology.Freddy Mortier - 1992 - Philosophica 49.
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    Marx, marxismo, filosofía.Freddy Salazar Paniagua - 2004 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 30:31-52.
    El ensayo se pregunta por la pertinencia actual de los estudios marxianos, en el contexto colombiano particularmente, y por la perspectiva filosófica de los mismos. Se desarrolla en tres partes: la primera, indaga por las razones académicas y culturales para releer Marx. La segunda, establece la paternidad de F. Engels con respecto al marxismo y a los conceptos de materialismo dialéctico y materialismo histórico. La tercera, señala la evolución filosófica de Marx y la ruptura entre dos momentos de su pensamiento: (...)
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  49. Autonomía y Naturaleza en la Estética de I. Kant.Freddy Sosa - 2003 - A Parte Rei 30:5.
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  50. Diálogo con Claude Frochaux sobre L'homme seul.Freddy Téllez - 2006 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 10:84-99.
    This paper focuses in the panorama and diagnosis that Frochaux outlines in his text L’homme Seul about culture and civilization as distancing of man with respect to nature. Such idea is resumed in his theses “The history is biology engrafted on the geographical.” For the author one of the several consequences of this situation is that such distancing was consolidated and arts were stagnated, just as the progress made profane all the reality and all mystery and holiness vanished from it. (...)
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